On the Beach Your chance of receiving a nudity citation is currently almost zero. Our alarm system depends on YOU! As you leave the beach, or are arriving on top of the cliff, check for white DLNR police trucks on Big Beach. If you see, please warn the nearest local folks on Little Beach, who will sound the Cover-Up alarm - 3 short, sharp blasts on the whistle !!! The predictable Saturday and Sunday 4PM DLNR police raids to close the beach and lock the gate have paused since March 10, 2024 (in response to our Petition, submitted to Governor Green). Folks have been remaining on the beach until they are ready to leave (although signage states that it is illegal). The unpredictable DLNR police raids have been occurring at random times but not often. The most recent were Thurs July 4 2024 at 4:30PM with 1 nudity citation and Thurs Nov 2 2023 at 9AM, with 1 nudity citation. Become a Friend of Little Beach by signing our PETITION to Governor Josh Green Clothing-optional normality prevails as it has for 70+ years. Since the beach reopened in March 2021, after the 9 week illegal closure, DLNR police have issued 33 Nudity citations (to our knowledge). During 2022, DLNR police also issued occasional Closed Area citations after 4PM on weekends but that has ceased. On weekdays the beach currently closes at 7PM, but with no enforcement, so folks are remaining for sunset. Should you receive a citation “Contact Us” for guidance about a Motion to Dismiss and Public Defender representation. The weekend 4PM closure is illegal (as is the gate) because the Park management’s only justification is administrative convenience. Since March 13 2021, there were 285 occasions of armed police coming to close the beach at 4PM. We estimate that there have been about 43,000 instances of a clothing-optional person forced to leave Little Beach at 4PM, against his/her will, with varying degrees of outrage at the injustice and the frivolous waste of tax payer’s money. They pushed the public from a relatively safe beach to Big Beach, the most dangerous Hawaiian beach for spinal injuries. This was at a time when the Big Beach lifeguards were packing up their gear for a prompt 4:30PM departure. Who is to Blame? Not the DLNR police (aka DOCARE) - they have far more important work and are only obeying orders originating with the DLNR State Park Management. For 33 years the Park Management had exercised their power not to harass or cite naturists at little beach, then in 2021 they pivoted from Covid to Nudity as their primary focus with no solid reasoning - and no regard for the thousands of Naturists who love and revere Little Beach. Many people wish to protest, which you are welcome to do, but don’t expect consideration. DLNR employees have the attitude of rulers, not public servants.
Friends of Little Beach launches its Facebook Page Our page is called "Friends of Little Beach, Maui" to distinguish itself from the existing "Friends of Little Beach" Facebook. We will continue to post comments on the 3 existing Facebooks covering Little Beach. >>> Please Like and Follow <<< Frank Shows the Realtor Around Comments are closed.
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